Innovative Design Improvements for Schools, Businesses and Communities
Free BookInspiring schools and their neighborhood partners to embrace community-sourced arts and design as vehicles for positive change.
“Working with the CIC was a fantastic experience in every way.”
— Technical Center Director
“You’ve built community and brought ownership for everyone in the school. This is wonderful work. It is noticed, and appreciated!”
— Community Member

A free step-by-step e-book and practical guide for creating energized and interesting surroundings that enrich the experiences for everyone in your school community.
Our award-winning comprehensive approach transforms learning and teaching environments for the challenges of the future.
Learn More & Free Download
Our Story
The CIC is a new concept of cost effective, innovative building design improvements that inspire people of all ages to learn and work together.
Directors Steven Sass and Andersen Thorp have years of experience as designers and educators.
Meet the Team